hello.. members of the entire animal kingdom.. including those sharks who try to kill me EVEN when i'm saving you from being beached by an evil group of poison-injecting maniacs.
OMG .. *the soccer*.. how much do we rule.. seriously. Australia is the best country in the whole world.i mean.. why would you be born anywhere else in the world, for example, uruguay, WHEN you can be born here. ooh lordy. although i think it was a bit of an overstatement by the guy on the radio "this is the greatest moment in australian sporting history".. to qualify like that.. was fucking awesome.. another good thing-lit went well woohooO!
Speaking of how great australia is.. do you know what's shit and annoying at the moment, how a lot of people are all *let's persecute all muslims, the source of all society's ills" annd "we need to take a stand and DEPORT ALL MUSLIMS".. i have a very important opinion on this matter
The notion that we should stop the practice of islam.. and ban certain sheikhs from preaching fundamentalist islam..because EVERYONE of them is calling for islamic jihad.. is absolutely ridiculous. The main argument in favour of this suggestion goes along the lines that Australia is predominantly a Christian country, and if muslims come here, they should accept the way our culture is.. just as we would do if we moved to say.. bangladesh. to this argument i say a big fat FUCK YOU.. you stupid morons.
I'd like to draw your attention to a little thing i like to call "iraq"..is this not a PRIME example of how western governments feel it is their inherent right to impose western ideals, including those contradictory to islam, in a country that is PREDOMINANTLY MADE UP OF MUSLIMS.. After september 11, the countries of the western world have felt it not only their prerogative, but their role, to reform potentially terrorist nations. To say that Australia's role in Iraq has had nothing to do with the rising threat of terrorism in our country..is a plain lie. There is n doubt that Australia's involvement in Iraq has sparked resentment amongst islamic fundamentalists within our country, and inspired those inclined to violence to indeed plot terrorist actions within Australia.
I'm not at all saying that actions of terrorism or forgivable.. or able to be endorsed.. all I'm saying is that, the differences between western and islamic cultures is age old.. the cause of terrorist actions against western nations is not necessarily some deep-seated desire for islam to rule the world, nor is it necessarily, because of the inability of muslims to acknowledge western ideals.. what i point to is Iraq.. iraq is the catalyst for this and will remain the source of pain and resentment for a whole host of muslims after western troops are withdrawn.
it is definitely time that western countries took some responsibility for what's taking place in our world..it is VERY upsetting for me to see a mccarthyist culture brewing in Australian society at the moment and it is imperative that people try to understand islam before they reject it and analyse the MOTIVEs behind terrorist actions before they're all like.. you fucking arabs. you know?
goodnight everyone