Friday, September 30, 2005

back when laces were fat and michael jackson was black..

month of long titles continues...

oh man.. i'm struggling here, I was even considering doing a "verity rates" segment to fill the gaping hole that is MY BRAIN at the moment.. but I decided not to stoop to that level it will probably come up next blog, just a warning to youse all.

that's captain planet.. he's our hero. Prehaps the coolest superhero of them all-way cooler than superman (ahem Bill).
Coolest ...'s for the week:
word: tirade
person: danni hanna..*rules* *love her*
sport: softball
piece of clothing: zooyork.. pleasure!
band: ugly ducklinG!!
passtime: shopping with mum/fi/pete.. watching alias, driving sarahsly can't wait..(to watch alias tonite and get licence)
goal: bat .350 at tourny's AND.. make the 2007 worlds team. *so much*

ok so i've officialy nerdluxed it up for the week.. so go me GO GO.. but at least i played loads of softball.. and played it ok.
there's only loike..5 weeks til TEE.. and only15 days of school left ever, can't come quick enough. SLATEr

lose your virginity to someone you didn't love OR only be allowed to listen to emo music for the rest of your life?

Thursday, September 22, 2005

let me answer that question using the medium..... of dance!

oi sons.

i thought i was justified blogging seeings assss exams are fricken over..
a big sucked in goes to:
-anyone who hasn't done their mocks.. ha ha ha. ie all the private schools.. look whose laughing now SUCKErs
- anyone who isn't in year twelve.. you still have the most important exams of your life AND heaps of school left, like a year and a term.
- anyone who's not doing tee.. i mean seriously guys, you get off without doing exams, but is the little extra work worth it in the long run? i think so. (although i'm sure loads of you will go fine, and shit..)
-supporters of the losing team in the grand would suck heaps.. like when the bombers lost in 2001..i know i'm living in the past, but i guess I have to publicly throw my support behind the swans, i am a very loyal girlfriend.

things everyone should do:
- watch more sport.. seriously, sport is very very cool and interesting and yeah, nothing bad comes from it.. you dont like suddenly become buff
-play more sport.. you may become slightly buffer but, man.. if i could do one thing for the rest of my life.. i would play sport.
-go clubbing.. underage. all the cool kids have done it. i did it even without being so cool.. and it was really cool and by going, you will be way cooler.
- make an effort to watch little britain and do tee.

despite queries over his sexual tendencies, shane crawford is hot. is it ok to think a gay guy is hot? like i'm not saying shane crawford is gay.. but yeah.

that's all for now.. love verity.
NB: that's brodie holland, not shane crawford

man i really hate this entry.

hi guyyyyysss haha ->

so today I was going to enlighten you all with some facts about bi-polarism... seeings as i'm now way happier than i was on... monday? but then i thought, maybe that would be disrespectful or whatever.

today, instead of doing lit study i watched a bit of sin city.. man, it is such an awesome film.. and i downloaded a clip of these "two girls" fighting, its kind of psycho, and the girls are way hillbilly to the maxtreme.

i heard on triple j last night that some people died from having nangs.. and then they went on to whine about how bad they are for you. In my expert opinion, there is no safer drug IN THE WORLD, than nitrous oxide. ok so if you think you're hell good looking and famous

think again. because i'm way hotter.
so good luck with that everyone. have a great rest of the day while i go study for lit.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

to be yourself is all that you can do.

so with this entry i was tempted to be honest and tell my avid readers how i'm actually feeling.. i.e. pissed off at biol, softball, graham and so on. but then of course, they would be less valued concerns than like everyone elses because i have it so awesome. right?

maybe i'll make the slow transition from funny to sincere? and risk losing some readers and with the potential of taking myself seriously...
i'm bored of this.

here's a delightful picture of a dead rabbit:

Friday, September 16, 2005

i had a brain... that felt like pancake batter

sup, negros.

ok so today.. i came to an important realisation. this was brought on first by watching a pivotal episode of little britain and reading this book called "love" that won the nobel literature prize.. this realisation is: old people, complain a lot...and don't ever know what's good for them (as they're usually suffering dementia/alzheimers.. whatever).

here's an extract from the book to illustrate my point.
my hum is mostly below range, private; suitable for an old woman mbarrassed by the world; her way of objecting how the century has turned out.
honestly lady, give us a break with your "i'm so wise" mantra..You're going to be dead soon anyway. so who cares what you think? so what if you're book won the nobel prize..don't try to enforce your.. i'm so disappointed with the younger generation ideas on the rest of society..

Let's now analyse all the awesome things our generation brings to this world..
1. freedom of sexual expression (i'mmm the only gay in the vill-age)
2. binge-drinking
3. russian roulette (actually i thihnk this was invented before our generation.. but it is still cool, and if it hadn't have been invented before, i'm sure someone my age would have invented it.. i seriously cant think of a cooler way to die)
4. on the topic of guns, school violence! think columbine.. sorted!
5. some fucking quality musac... eg: spears, lavigne, timberlake, the "much maligned" 50 cent..
6. selling out... if it weren't for our meaningless consumer driven lives, many many bands, shows, movies and so on would retain some originality and shiat.

speaking of our generation.. i have to go and watch a hel interesting production.. starring my little brother and sister.

so peace out homes, embrace your inner-teen <3 v

Monday, September 12, 2005

never a frown.. with golden brown

ok so today.. i worked out the HIDDEN meaning of a song. without even anyone telling me. "golden brown" by the strangers, is in fact about heroin, just in case any of you didn't know...
"everytime, just like the last.. on her ship, tied to the mast... to distant lands, aches both my hands.. never a frown, with golden brown."

also, this weekend i learnt what is perhaps the closest thing to the meaning of life.. self esteem+motivation=confidence.. yeah and that's basically it. so much for study.

ALSO fucking hell.. the biol revision seminar was a piece of shit. the only good thing about it was the revision book we ganked. HAHA..suckers. oh oh and.. the freaky medieval roleplaying on the social sciences quadrangle...they werent even one bit ashamed.. i kind of was for them but man... can we say NERDS to the nth degree! another thing, just wen australia look like they have a chance of winning a test match.. "bad light" wa wa wa england, its your fricken country, learn to play through it.

pete and i worked out that
  • simon
  • would be the most likely to join a society like this.. because of his love for all things.. medieval. maybe he will be able to find his own maid marion? we cancelled haydn out because the women are too beautiful.

    as we speak the cricket's come back on.. so i guess i better go. hooray for my rant.. and for all of those hot women after pete i warn you. dont cut my lunch.


    Saturday, September 10, 2005

    i don't want to beat around the bush.

    good evening subordinates (that means you're below me)..

    i was going to whine again about exams, but pete told me not to.. so i won't.. I'll just leave a cryptic acrostic puzzle that will show how I feel about the pending mocks.

    Sure they are "important".. but
    Hu even cares?
    I sure don't.
    Teow, James.

    acrostics are a great way to solve riddles.. and even lifes more complicated problems.. for example.. if you were going to take your life, and were struggling with a suicide note.. an acrostic poem might br the solution..

    My blood flows
    Earnestly crying for help
    Does anyone care?.. no.
    Everyone does not care.
    A person will never care.
    Does anyone care?

    can YOU spot the hidden... AGENDA??!??!? Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to pay tribs to mega brain (aka jane).. ever wondered WHY i'm so incredibly intelligent? or WHERE i got my too-hot-to-handle good looks from? the answer: simple genetics. thanks mum, you gave birth to me.

    have a super weekend of study.. lads
    love me.

    Friday, September 09, 2005

    bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks...

    howdy cowdys..

    just a quick update on my loife.. i SOOooo passed my driving test..YahOO! to all of those who doubted me.. sucks to ya. and ALSO, id just like to gloat especially to luke and fi(19) both of whom are yet to get their licence, and im going to get mine before they do hahahahaha. HA


    I'm looking forward to some red-hot team building this weekend. hopefully there's a p+l question on self-esteem? or MAYBE..a biol short answer on personality types?.. the only vaguely relevant thing i'll learn this weekend is about leadership.. and even then.. NOT lenin and stalin, but how to BECOME a leader yourself. HELLS HELLLS HELLLS gayyYYy. enjoy your duck, james.

    but all of this is overshadowed by my TRIUMPH in my FIRST driving test. YESsaaH lookout perth.


    Tuesday, September 06, 2005

    only god can judge me...

    good afternoon cherubs.. sorry its been so long since last entry.. i have been fLAT OUT..

    ok i'm kind of struggling for new material. so I thought I'd write a delightful series of haikus. i'm sure you'll all enjoy that.. especially my most faithful fan, mr roberto!

    I enjoy playing...
    softball! It is terrific.
    You can throw and catch.

    pendulum swings back
    and hits me in the forehead
    i will kill the beasts.

    we don't advertise
    our meaningless existence.
    you are so naive

    vote for your fave!!

    in other news...yays: triple j, WAIS camp, tobby

    nays: nervousness about driving test.. (thursday), iron injections, having a dream where pete tried to commit suicide and waking up crying :(, george bush, tony abbott

    Friday, September 02, 2005

    make you feel that way..

    hi guys!

    seeings as there are so many goths/emos around these days.. i thought i'd publish verity's ten steps to fucking society. just in case you wanted to jump on the bandwagon.

    1. mope around
    2. do everything you can to fuck up social institutions: graffiti etc..
    3. DON'T participate in anything...especially if it's compulsory: including, going to school, voting, abiding by the law, being polite..and so on.
    4. take every opportunity you can to complain..make banners, websites, go to heaps of protests and really make a difference.
    5. smoke- shows how much you dont care about life in the stupid, fucked up society we live in.
    6. wear black and grow a fringe as a symbol of how fed up you are with society.. you can't enforce your ideals on me!
    7. listen to music that really speaks to you..the used is a classic example "*scream of anguish* deep.. that it didn't even bleedin catch me oOOuut"
    8. on the topic bleeding.. cut yourself regularly: society tells you not to, and your gaping wounds will show others how much you hate society.
    9. go out of your way to piss authority figures off...swear at them, throw bottles, spit.. hell anything as long as you get a reaction.. this is especially important for police, make sure you're arrested at least once.
    10. die for your cause.

    happy hunting.. :)